Art has many benefits to our mental health using art in a therapeutic way can help us develop self-awareness and self-confidence. In fact, art therapy is also used to help children develop social skills and achieve their sense of well-being. No matter how creative or experienced you are, there are many art therapy practices which can be done in any setting, including right in the comfort of your home! “Words to Live By”, a collage activity that is one example of art therapy, helps teens to better understand their core values. After grabbing scissors, glue, markers, poster boards, and magazines or scrap paper to cut out images and words, begin the activity by:

  1. Taking a moment to discuss what values are and the things you feel strongly about or what they mean to you.
  2. Then take a mindful minute to close your eyes and identify the words that flow freely into mind. What are they and what images or colors connect with the words?
  3. Cut out images and words from the scrap paper and glue them onto the poster board to make a collage that reflects their words to live by.
  4. Afterwards, ask them if they are okay with sharing their collage and discuss the words and images they chose and what they mean to them.

For more art therapy activities, visit

Posted by:okptacultivate

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